Latest Update: More people will be eligible for the Ehsaas Program 2024

In the recent Update, the federal government of Pakistan has decided to resume the Ehsaas Program for 12 months. As a result of this decision, those who were not eligible for the program can now apply for it. It is intended to help those living hand to mouth, even if they cannot afford food twice daily. The program now gives those previously ineligible a chance to enroll and benefit from it.

Read More: Ehsaas Kafalat 10500 Withdraw Money From BISP Device.

Register for the program through SMS or online and get your poverty score. If your poverty score is below 30, you’re eligible for financial aid under the program. If your poverty score is higher than 30 and you truly deserve help, you can visit the nearest Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) or NADRA office.

Latest Update: More people will be eligible for the Ehsaas Program 2024

Registration Process:

The government introduces simple methods to register for the program. These methods are so simple that even an uneducated person can easily understand them and register for the program and get the aid. You can register for the program by following the steps below.

  • Go to your nearest BISP or NADRA office.
  • Prove your identity by giving your original CNIC just for verification.
  • You will be given a form.
  • Fill out the form with the legit information.
  • Complete the process of registration.
  • Submit the form back to the office.
  • In a message, you will be informed of your registration and eligibility.
  • You will receive the aid if you are eligible.
Registration Process

Office Registration:

In case of complications, go to your nearest Ehsaas Program or Benazir Income Support Program Office to prove your identity. Complete the registration process and give them proof of your salary and household usage. They will confirm your information, and if you are eligible, then you will be informed. The government has increased the Ehsaas Program amount from Rs.9000 to Rs.10500 to help people.

Read More:  BISP Tehsil Offices will be closed.

Ehsaas Programs Overview:

The Ehsaas Program was launched in 2020 by Prime Minister Imran Khan to help the country’s poor population. The federal government of Pakistan has launched several other programs under the Ehsaas Program over time. These programs include Ehsaas Kafalat Program, Ehsaas Rashan Program, Ehsaas Petrol Card, and Ehsaas Rashan Riayat. The main target of these programs is to give financial assistance to those who cannot afford the necessities of life.

Ehsaas Program Overview


The Federal Government of Pakistan has extended the Ehsaas Program for 12 months, benefiting more people. Online or SMS registration are two easy ways to register for the program. A poverty rating of less than 30 qualifies a person for financial assistance. It is necessary to prove identification at a BISP or NADRA office through the original CNIC before receiving aid of Rs.10500. Ehsaas Kafalat, Ehsaas Rashan, Ehsaas Petrol Card, and Ehsaas Rashan Riayat are all parts of the Ehsaas Program. In case of any problem or question about the program, feel free to ask in the comment section.

Read More: Ehsaas Kafalat Program New Payment.

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